Spectators Code of Conduct

Pinewood Code of Conduct – Spectators

This club is supporting the FA’S Respect programme to ensure football can be enjoyed by everyone in a safe and positive environment. Play your part and observe The FA’S Respect Code of conduct for spectators at all times

  • Set a good example.

    • The youngsters copy your conduct and attitude.

    • Remember children play for fun
  • Recognise sporting behaviour.

    • Show that you appreciate sportsmanship on the field.

    • Encouraging players to shake hands at the end of the game is just one example.
  • Appreciate good football.

    • Show that you do appreciate good football skills by whichever team.

  • Consider others.

    • Even if excited by the game, remember to be considerate to other spectators – young and old.

  • Learn the Laws of association football.

    • Then you will appreciate how difficult interpretation can be. Never criticise referees by shouting from the touchlines.

  • Never using foul or abusive language.

    • Your club is responsible for your behaviour on the touchline.

    • Do not let them down. More importantly do not let the youngsters down. Pinewood Football Club will not tolerate this. We will withdraw our teams from any game regardless of the consequences should any Pinewood manager believe this level of behaviour is occurring.
  • Never taking the Law into you own hands.

    • The managers, coaches and match officials have been appointed to deal with all situations.

    • Your interference will only serve to complicate matters.
  • Never be drawn into disputes.

    • Youngsters may not understand the language being used by adults, but they are always fully aware of feelings. Arguments and expressions of disquiet will not result in a successful outcome to the game.

  • Remember “Walls have ears”!

    • Remarks you make (even in the dressing room) could be detrimental to club, players or league.

  • Youth Football is a game of enjoyment for the players.

    • Support your child and his team in a manner which will maintain the high reputation that the Club has acquired for sporting behaviour.

    • Nearly all our spectators are parents or relations. You are not paying to watch unknowns battle to the death. You are concerned with the development of your youngster. Get it right! Enjoy being a spectator, but please take note of the ten points listed above.
    • Refusal to follow this Code or any other behaviour unacceptable to Pinewood Football Club may result in you being asked to leave our site.
    • I understand that breaches of the code may result in action being taken by my County FA/and or The FA